Learn to Live Aloha!
“Let's Live A.L.O.H.A." is a captivating children's book emphasizing key qualities such as empathy and adaptability through the acronym A.L.O.H.A. (Ask, Listen, Observe, Heart, Adapt). The story inspires young readers to ask thoughtful questions, listen attentively, observe their surroundings, make decisions with heart, and adapt to life's ever-changing situations. It's an engaging narrative that intertwines life lessons with vibrant illustrations, fostering emotional intelligence in a fun and accessible way.

All About The Evolution of Alohā
The Evolution of Alohā explores the personal journey to find one's place in history. Dr. Gerry Ebalaroza-Tunnell reconnects with the diverse ethnicity of her ancestors as she strives to understand herself. Through a newly discovered definition of Alo (Forward Facing) Hā (Breath of Life), Dr. G discovers her mixed heritage's incredible and sometimes painful realities in time, place, and colonization.

Live & Love

This work is based on Aunty Pilahi Paki's words of wisdom:
"The world will turn to Hawai'i as they search for world peace because Hawai'i has the key...
And that key is Aloha!"
A.L.O.H.A. reminds us to value inquiry over settling quickly on answers. To create a cohesive community, we must value listening over being heard. To develop personal maturity, we must observe our emotional and somatic reactions to the world around us with curiosity. To avoid falling into cognitive dissonance and shutting ourselves off from others, we must remain heart-focused on how we perceive the world and the paradigms that shape them. To evolve in a world of constant change, we need to be willing to adapt to new information and acknowledge that we are all on this journey together.
Each acronym allows us to step into complex conversations that will invite the spirit of grace, empathy, responsibility, and accountability.
We invite you to listen to this video to understand each letter of A.L.O.H.A.

Message from the Author
Aloha, Friends!!
As you may already know, my upcoming book, The Evolution of AloHā: Awakening the Breath of Life, remains a work in progress. My initial aspiration was to share my completed work with you in November 2023; it appears the universe has a slightly different timeline. As I pour my heart into the final edits, it becomes clear that the book's release will lean toward Winter 2025.
During the extended editing phase for The Evolution of AloHā: Awakening the Breath of Life, a serendipitous burst of inspiration led me to channel my passion into another project. I am thrilled to introduce my children's book, Let's Live ALOHA. This unique publication distills the same Guiding Principles from my main work, delicately tailoring them for a younger audience. It's crafted to inspire children to embrace self-regulation and social-emotional awareness, guiding them through life's ebbs and flows with the spirit of AloHā. Through storytelling and vibrant illustrations, Let's Live A.L.O.H.A is not just a book—it's a compassionate companion for our little ones on their journey of growth and discovery.
Both The Evolution of AloHā: Awakening the Breath of Life and Let's Live ALOHA are now available for pre-sale, inviting readers to reserve their journey into the enriching world of AloHā.
Thank you all once again for your unwavering support and patience. Your understanding and encouragement mean the world to me. I am sending lots of AloHā your way, knowing that together, we can make the world a warmer and kinder place.
With all my love and aloha,
Dr. G